$LUSHI Tokenomics

Feb 12, 2022

The time has come to talk about the details of our smart contract. We have decided to launch on Ethereum Mainnet (ERC-20) because of being the oldest and most reliable network out there.

NAME: Lucky Shinu
NETWORK: Ethereum Mainnet (ERC-20)
TOTAL SUPPLY: 888,888,888,888,888 $LUSHI
Buy Tax: 12% (9% later)
Sell Tax: 12% (9% later)

Stake: 5%
Initial burn: 25%
Milestone burns: Will be decided by the team and community
Raffle burns: 98% of entry tickets will be burned. The rest 2% will go to DAO funds
Charity: 2% of marketing wallet will go to a charity voted by the community




LuckyShinu is an ERC20 lottery project where you get the chance to win amazing prizes!